


办公电话: 电子邮件: caiww@bjtu.edu.cn
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2015/12 - 2018/07     中国科万泰生态环境研究中心      博士联合培养  

2014/09 - 2018/07     哈尔滨工业大学              博士研究生

2011/09 - 2014/07     辽宁大学                  硕士研究生   

2007/09 - 2011/07     曲阜师范大学               学士


2020/12 - 至今     万泰代理               副教授

2020/07 - 2020/12     万泰代理                讲师

2018/09 - 2020/07     万泰代理                师资博士后

2018/09 - 2019/07     兰卡斯特大学               访问学者


  • 环境工程
  • 环境科学
  • 交通能源与环境工程
  • 水污染控制与管理
  • 固体废弃物处理与土壤污染控制
  • 大气污染控制与管理
  • 绿色交通与低碳


  • 环境科学与工程硕士
  • 环境工程硕士
  • 交通能源与环境工程硕士
  • 交通能源与环境工程博士


  • 自然科学横向项目: 联合开展《废水处理用厌氧氨氧化生物膜脱氮技术规范》项目, 2025-2026
  • 自然科学横向项目: 纯农林生物质发电项目参与CCER机制重大意义及额外性研究, 2024-2024
  • 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 电磁诱导空间群落直接电子传递功能效应与生态机制, 2025-2028
  • 自然科学横向项目: 北排集团科研项目定制检测及开发技术服务, 2024-2025
  • 自然科学横向项目: 碳排放方法学开发及咨询核算相关服务框架协议, 2024-2027
  • 国家重点研发计划-任务: 畜禽养殖粪污资源能源化处理共性问题识别及综合评估方法构建, 2024-2027
  • 国家重点研发计划-项目: 畜禽养殖污染物资源化利用及低碳低成本协同治理技术, 2023-2026
  • 自然科学横向项目: 加工制造流程碳排放评估服务, 2023-2025
  • 自然科学横向项目: 北京城市排水集团科研项目定制检测及开发技术服务, 2023-2025
  • 国家重点研发计划-任务: 川藏铁路隧道施工生产废水污染控制技术集成与优化, 2021-2024
  • 自然科学横向项目: 炼化企业水网络智慧碳管控系统研发, 2022-2023
  • 高价值专利培育: 厌氧氨氧化工艺专性生物膜载体开发与调控菌种快速富集增殖研究, 2021-2024
  • 知识产权转让项目: 厌氧氨氧化菌种的保藏方法专利技术转让, 2020-2022
  • 自然科学横向项目: 2020年北京市生活垃圾理化特性抽样调查与检测, 2020-2021
  • 自然科学横向项目: 高级厌氧消化相关测试服务, 2020-2026
  • 自然科学类人才基金项目: 离子液体改性制备荷正电纳滤膜及镁锂分离性能研究, 2020-2022
  • 基础研究项目: 电化学辅助厌氧消化技术构建及热力学过程研究, 2020-2023
  • 基础研究项目: 强化厌氧氨氧化菌快速聚集机制与调控机理, 2019-2023
  • 自然科学横向项目: 基于微电压驱动强化的热水解污泥高速厌氧消化工艺技术开发, 2019-2022
  • 国家自然科学基金"青年基金": 阴极-生物膜交互界面电子传递机制及生物膜合作表型研究, 2020-2022
  • 北京市教委: 北京市高等学校卓越青年科学家项目, 2019-2024
  • 自然科学横向项目: 生物电极性能🕺🏿、微生物形态与宏基因等测试, 2019-2020
  • 自然科学横向项目: LKT设备在京津冀区域适用性研究, 2019-2022
  • 自然科学横向项目: 焦化废水生物脱氮及浓水减量化技术研究, 2018-2022
  • 其它: 微生物电解提升剩余污泥产甲烷及能量循环利用系统研究, 2018-2020


  1. CNWK30L642Q: Solid Waste Pollution Control Engineering and Experiment (Joint programme between Lancaster University and Beijing Jiaotong University, Lancaster university module, teaching in English)
  2. CNWK30S278Q: Solid Waste Pollution Control Engineering Design (Joint programme between Lancaster University and Beijing Jiaotong University, Lancaster university module, teaching in English)
  3. CN30L654Q: Environmental Microbiology and Experiments (Joint programme between Lancaster University and Beijing Jiaotong University, Lancaster university module, teaching in English)


  1. Cai, Weiwei, Linna Cai, Jing Zhao, and Hong Yao. ‘Prokaryotic Community Interchange between Distinct Microhabitats Causes Community Pressure on Anammox Biofilm Development’. Water Research, February 2023, 119726. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2023.119726. (IF=13.99)
  2. Weiwei Cai*, Mingxing Zhao, Jianyao Kong, Silvio Riggio, Tim Finnigan, David Stuckey, Miao Guo*, “The linkage between community composition and function in anaerobic digestion; are they decoupled in the short term?” Iscience, 2021, 24,9,02958 
  3. Li, Wei, Thangavel Sangeetha, Xiangyu Han, Wei-Mon Yan, Lijun Yang, Jing Zhao, Weiwei Cai*, and Hong Yao. ‘Tracking the Diversity and Interaction of Methanogens in the Energy Recovery Process of a Full-Scale Wastewater Treatment Plant’. Environmental Research 211 (1 August 2022): 113010. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2022.113010
  4. Cai, Weiwei, Xiangyu Han, Thangavel Sangeetha, and Hong Yao. ‘Causality and Correlation Analysis for Deciphering the Microbial Interactions in Activated Sludge’. Frontiers in Microbiology 13 (2022). https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2022.870766
  5. Weiwei Cai, Bo Wang, Wenzong Liu, Hong Yao, Ye Deng, Aijie Wang, "Sessile methanogens dominated cathodic biofilm: distribution and network in physiological transitions" Science of total environment. Science of the Total Environment 2021, 795, 148724 

  6. Weiwei Cai, Wenzong Liu, Bo Wang, Hong Yao,Awoke Guadie, Aijie Wang. ‘Semi-quantitative detection of hydrogen-associated or -free electron transfer within the methanogenic biofilm of microbial electrosynthesis’. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2020, 01056-20. 
  7. Weiwei Cai., Zhao, X., Wang, H., Jia, F., & Yao, H. (2020). A wireless charger powered the extracellular electron transfer for hydrogen recovery from organics. Environmental Research, 109524.
  8. Weiwei Cai,Wenzong Liu, Zhaojing Zhang, Kai Feng, Ge Ren, Chuanliang Pu, Jiaqi Li, Ye Deng, and Aijie Wang. ‘Electro-Driven Methanogenic Microbial Community Diversity and Variability in the Electron Abundant Niche’. Science of the Total Environment 661 (2019): 178–86.
  9. Weiwei Cai, Wenzong Liu, Zhaojing Zhang, Kai Feng, Ge Ren, Chuanliang Pu, Haishu Sun, Jiaqi Li, Ye Deng, and Aijie Wang. ‘McrA Sequencing Reveals the Role of Basophilic Methanogens in a Cathodic Methanogenic Community’. Water Research136 (2018): 192–99. (IF=13.99)
  10. Weiwei Cai,Zhaojing Zhang, Ge Ren, Qiuxuan Shen, Yanan Hou, Anzhou Ma, Ye Deng, Aijie Wang, and Wenzong Liu. ‘Quorum Sensing Alters the Microbial Community of Electrode-Respiring Bacteria and Hydrogen Scavengers toward Improving Hydrogen Yield in Microbial Electrolysis Cells’. Applied Energy 183 (2016): 1133–41. (IF=11.44)
  11. Weiwei Cai, Wenzong Liu, Jinglong Han, and Aijie Wang. ‘Enhanced Hydrogen Production in Microbial Electrolysis Cell with 3D Self-Assembly Nickel Foam-Graphene Cathode’. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 80 (2016): 118–22. (IF=12.54)
  12. Weiwei Cai,Wenzong Liu, Haishu Sun, Jiaqi Li, Liming Yang, Meijun Liu, Shenlong Zhao, and Aijie Wang. ‘Ni5P4-NiP2 Nanosheet Matrix Enhances Electron-Transfer Kinetics for Hydrogen Recovery in Microbial Electrolysis Cells’. Applied Energy 209 (2018): 56–64. (IF=11.44)
  13. Weiwei Cai,Wenzong Liu, Chunxue Yang, Ling Wang, Bin Liang, Sangeetha Thangavel, Zechong Guo, and Aijie Wang. ‘Biocathodic Methanogenic Community in an Integrated Anaerobic Digestion and Microbial Electrolysis System for Enhancement of Methane Production from Waste Sludge’. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 4, no. 9 (2016): 4913–21.
  14. Weiwei Cai, Tingting Han, Zechong Guo, Cristiano Varrone, Aijie Wang, and Wenzong Liu. ‘Methane Production Enhancement by an Independent Cathode in Integrated Anaerobic Reactor with Microbial Electrolysis’. Bioresource Technology208 (2016): 13–18.
  15. Weiwei Cai,Wenzong Liu, Dan Cui, and Aijie Wang. ‘Hydrogen Production from Buffer-Free Anaerobic Fermentation Liquid of Waste Activated Sludge Using Microbial Electrolysis System’. RSC Advances 6, no. 45 (2016): 38769–73.
  16. Zhu, Tingting**, Weiwei Cai**, Bo Wang, Wenzong Liu, Kai Feng, Ye Deng, and Aijie Wang. ‘Enhanced Nitrate Removal in an Fe 0-Driven Autotrophic Denitrification System Using Hydrogen-Rich Water’. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 5, no. 8 (2019): 1380–88.
  17. Wang, Hui**, Wei-Wei Cai**, Wen-Zong Liu, Jia-Qi Li, Bo Wang, Shu-Cheng Yang, and Ai-Jie Wang. ‘Application of Sulfate Radicals from Ultrasonic Activation: Disintegration of Extracellular Polymeric Substances for Enhanced Anaerobic Fermentation of Sulfate-Containing Waste-Activated Sludge’. Chemical Engineering Journal 352 (2018): 380–88.
  18. Xu Zhang, Weiwei Cai, Shenlong Zhao, Xinyang Li, Fangxu Jia, Fujun Ma, Hong Yao, Discarded antibiotic mycelial residues derived nitrogen-doped porous carbon for electrochemical energy storage and simultaneous reduction of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), Environmental Research, 2021, 192, 110261
  19. Wei Xing, Zhenglan He, Yan Wang, Weiwei Cai, Fangxu Jia, Hong Yao, Using cold-adapted river-bottom sediment as seed sludge for sulfur-based autotrophic denitrification operated at mesophilic and psychrophilic temperatures, Science of the Total Environment, 2021: 735, 139345.
  20. Wei, Ting, Hong Yao, Peizhe Sun, Weiwei Cai, Xinyang Li, Liru Fan, Qingchao Wei, Cai Lai, and Jianhua Guo. ‘Mitigation of Antibiotic Resistance in a Pilot-Scale System Treating Wastewater from High-Speed Railway Trains’. Chemosphere 245 (2020): 125484.
  21. Yang, Lijun, Wei Li, Weiwei Cai, Wei Xing, Fangxu Jia, and Hong Yao. ‘Minimizing Extracellular DNA Improves the Precision of Microbial Community Dynamic Analysis in Response to Thermal Hydrolysis’. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 122938.
  22. Zhang, Zhaojing, Ye Deng, Kai Feng, Weiwei Cai, Shuzhen Li, Huaqun Yin, Meiying Xu, Daliang Ning, and Yuanyuan Qu. ‘Deterministic Assembly and Diversity Gradient Altered the Biofilm Community Performances of Bioreactors’. Environmental Science & Technology 53, no. 3 (2019): 1315–24.
  23. Li, Jiaqi, Wenzong Liu, Weiwei Cai, Bo Wang, Fidelis Odedishemi Ajibade, Zhaojing Zhang, Xiadi Tian, and Aijie Wang. ‘Applying Rhamnolipid to Enhance Hydrolysis and Acidogenesis of Waste Activated Sludge: Retarded Methanogenic Community Evolution and Methane Production’. RSC Advances 9, no. 4 (2019): 2034–41.
  24. Liang, Bin, Jincai Ma, Weiwei Cai, Zhiling Li, Wenzong Liu, Mengyuan Qi, Youkang Zhao, Xiaodan Ma, Ye Deng, and Aijie Wang. ‘Response of Chloramphenicol-Reducing Biocathode Resistome to Continuous Electrical Stimulation’. Water Research 148 (2019): 398–406.
  25. Lin, Xiao-Qiu, Zhi-Ling Li, Bin Liang, Hong-Liang Zhai, Wei-Wei Cai, Jun Nan, and Ai-Jie Wang. ‘Accelerated Microbial Reductive Dechlorination of 2, 4, 6-Trichlorophenol by Weak Electrical Stimulation’. Water Research 162 (2019): 236–45.
  26. Wang, Bo, Wenzong Liu, Weiwei Cai, Jiaqi Li, Lihui Yang, Xiqi Li, Hui Wang, Tingting Zhu, and Aijie Wang. ‘Reinjection Oilfield Wastewater Treatment Using Bioelectrochemical System and Consequent Corrosive Community Evolution on Pipe Material’. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 2019.
  27. Wang, Hui, Shu-Cheng Yang, Weiwei Cai, Wenzong Liu, and Aijie Wang. ‘Enhanced Organic Matter and Nutrient Release from Waste Activated Sludge Using Ultrasound and Surfactant Synergetic Pre-Treatment’. Bioresource Technology Reports 6 (2019): 32–38.
  28. Chen, Fan, Zhiling Li, Jiaqi Yang, Bin Liang, Cong Huang, Weiwei Cai, Jun Nan, and Aijie Wang. ‘Electron Fluxes in Biocathode Bioelectrochemical Systems Performing Dechlorination of Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons’. Frontiers in Microbiology 9 (2018): 2306.
  29. Cui, Dan, Li-Ming Yang, Wen-Zong Liu, Min-Hua Cui, Wei-Wei Cai, and Ai-Jie Wang. ‘Facile Fabrication of Carbon Brush with Reduced Graphene Oxide (RGO) for Decreasing Resistance and Accelerating Pollutants Removal in Bio-Electrochemical Systems’. Journal of Hazardous Materials 354 (2018): 244–49.
  30. Yang, Li-Hui, Ting-Ting Zhu, Wei-Wei Cai, Muhammad Rizwan Haider, Hong-Cheng Wang, Hao-Yi Cheng, and Ai-Jie Wang. ‘Micro-Oxygen Bioanode: An Efficient Strategy for Enhancement of Phenol Degradation and Current Generation in Mix-Cultured MFCs’. Bioresource Technology 268 (2018): 176–82.
  31. Yang, Shan-Shan, Wei-Min Wu, Anja M Brandon, Han-Qing Fan, Joseph P Receveur, Yiran Li, Zhi-Yue Wang, Rui Fan, Rebecca L McClellan, and Shu-Hong Gao, Daliang Ning, Debra H.Phillips, Bo-Yu Peng, Hongtao Wang, Shen-Yang Cai, Ping Li, Wei-Wei Cai, Ling-Yun Ding, Jun Yang, Min Zheng, Jie Ren, Ya-Lei Zhang, Jie Gao, Defeng Xing, Nan-Qi Ren, Robert M.Waymouth, Jizhong Zhou, Hu-Chun Tao, Christine J.PicardkMark EricBenbow, Craig S.Criddlea ‘Ubiquity of Polystyrene Digestion and Biodegradation within Yellow Mealworms, Larvae of Tenebrio Molitor Linnaeus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)’. Chemosphere 212 (2018): 262–71.
  32. Hou, Ya-Nan, Chunxue Yang, Aijuan Zhou, Wenzong Liu, Chong Liu, Wei-Wei Cai, Jizhong Zhou, and Ai-Jie Wang. ‘Microbial Community Response and SDS-PAGE Reveal Possible Mechanism of Waste Activated Sludge Acidification Enhanced by Microaeration Coupled Thermophilic Pretreatment’. Process Biochemistry 64 (2018): 1–8.
  33. Cui, Dan, Min-Hua Cui, Hyung-Sool Lee, Bin Liang, Hong-Cheng Wang, Wei-Wei Cai, Hao-Yi Cheng, Xu-Liang Zhuang, and Ai-Jie Wang. ‘Comprehensive Study on Hybrid Anaerobic Reactor Built-in with Sleeve Type Bioelectrocatalyzed Modules’. Chemical Engineering Journal 330 (2017): 1306–15.
  34. Zhang, Zhaojing, Yuanyuan Qu, Shuzhen Li, Kai Feng, Shang Wang, Weiwei Cai, Yuting Liang, Hui Li, Meiying Xu, and Huaqun Yin. ‘Soil Bacterial Quantification Approaches Coupling with Relative Abundances Reflecting the Changes of Taxa’. Scientific Reports 7, no. 1 (2017): 1–11.
  35. Zhou, Aijuan, Jiaguang Zhang, Weiwei Cai, Rui Sun, Guoying Wang, Wenzong Liu, Aijie Wang, and Xiuping Yue. ‘Comparison of Chemosynthetic and Biological Surfactants on Accelerating Hydrogen Production from Waste Activated Sludge in a Short-Cut Fermentation-Bioelectrochemical System’. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42, no. 14 (2017): 9044–50.
  36. Feng, Kai, Zhaojing Zhang, Weiwei Cai, Wenzong Liu, Meiying Xu, Huaqun Yin, Aijie Wang, Zhili He, and Ye Deng. ‘Biodiversity and Species Competition Regulate the Resilience of Microbial Biofilm Community’. Molecular Ecology 26, no. 21 (2017): 6170–82.
  37. Guo, Zechong, Wenzong Liu, Chunxue Yang, Lei Gao, Sangeetha Thangavel, Ling Wang, Zhangwei He, Weiwei Cai, and Aijie Wang. ‘Computational and Experimental Analysis of Organic Degradation Positively Regulated by Bioelectrochemistry in an Anaerobic Bioreactor System’. Water Research 125 (2017): 170–79.
  38. Guo, Zechong, Sangeetha Thangavel, Ling Wang, Zhangwei He, Weiwei Cai, Aijie Wang, and Wenzong Liu. ‘Efficient Methane Production from Beer Wastewater in a Membraneless Microbial Electrolysis Cell with a Stacked Cathode: The Effect of the Cathode/Anode Ratio on Bioenergy Recovery’. Energy & Fuels 31, no. 1 (2017): 615–20.
  39. Guo, Z, S Thangavel, L Wang, Z He, W Cai, A Wang, and W Liu. ‘Efficient Methane Production from Beer Wastewater in a Membraneless MEC with Stacked Cathode: The Effect of Cathode-Anode Ratio on Bioenergy Recovery’. Energy Fuels 31 (2016): 615–20.
  40. Hou, Ya-Nan, Huan Liu, Jing-Long Han, Wei-Wei Cai, Jizhong Zhou, Ai-Jie Wang, and Hao-Yi Cheng. ‘Electroactive Biofilm Serving as the Green Synthesizer and Stabilizer for in Situ Fabricating 3D Nanopalladium Network: An Efficient Electrocatalyst’. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 4, no. 10 (2016): 5392–97.
  41. Liu, Wenzong, Weiwei Cai, Zechong Guo, Ling Wang, Chunxue Yang, Cristiano Varrone, and Aijie Wang. ‘Microbial Electrolysis Contribution to Anaerobic Digestion of Waste Activated Sludge, Leading to Accelerated Methane Production’. Renewable Energy 91 (2016): 334–39.
  42. Liu, Wenzong, Weiwei Cai, Anzhou Ma, Ge Ren, Zhiling Li, Guoqiang Zhuang, and Aijie Wang. ‘Improvement of Bioelectrochemical Property and Energy Recovery by Acylhomoserine Lactones (AHLs) in Microbial Electrolysis Cells (MECs)’. Journal of Power Sources 284 (2015): 56–59.
  43. Guo, Zechong, Aijuan Zhou, Chunxue Yang, Bin Liang, Thangavel Sangeetha, Zhangwei He, Ling Wang, Weiwei Cai, Aijie Wang, and Wenzong Liu. ‘Enhanced Short Chain Fatty Acids Production from Waste Activated Sludge Conditioning with Typical Agricultural Residues: Carbon Source Composition Regulates Community Functions’. Biotechnology for Biofuels 8, no. 1 (2015): 192.
  44. Bao, Hongxu, Lei Jiang, Chunxiao Chen, Chunxue Yang, Zhangwei He, Yaodong Feng, Weiwei Cai, Wenzong Liu, and Aijie Wang. ‘Combination of Ultrasound and Fenton Treatment for Improving the Hydrolysis and Acidification of Waste Activated Sludge’. RSC Advances 5, no. 60 (2015): 48468–73.  


  1. Aijie Wang, Wenzong Liu, Bo Zhang, Weiwei Cai, “Bioelectrosynthesis of Value-added Products”,   Format Hardback | 400 pages; Publication date 23 Dec 2020; Publisher: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH




1 科技奖励

1 “工业废水自养脱氮降碳资源回收协同增效关键技术创新与应用环境保护科技进步奖一等奖🧙‍♂️,排名第13/15

2 “工业集聚区污水深度净化新型技术”环境保护科技进步奖一等奖🎁⛪️,排名第14/15

3 “城市污泥低品质碳源定向生物转化及资源梯级回收山西省自然科学二等奖🪒,排名4/5

4 “油田污水生物电化学除氧及生物防腐技术中国发明协会创新一等奖,排名第2/5 

5 “高氨氮废水产学研转化与示范产学研创新成果奖,排名第6/10

2 学术奖励

Biosensors and Bioelectronics 期刊的 outstanding reviewer

3 博士期间

  1.  北京大学唐孝严环境科学创新一等奖学金
  2. “环境微生物简浩然优秀论文奖”
  3.  2016年国家奖学金
  4.  哈尔滨工业大学十佳英才(提名奖)
  5.  工信部创新奖学金
  6. 2016年度哈尔滨工业大学“三好学生”



Microbiology spectrumFrontiers in microbiology 期刊 Review Editor



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