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  1. Jie Zhang, Junjie Li*, Yirong Wang, Yulong Yan, Lin Peng*, Kechang Xie. Unveiling the heterogeneity of environmental impacts of China's coal washing plants by a configuration-specific life cycle assessment. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2025, 110, 107725.
  2. Junjie Li#Yulong Yan#Lin Peng*Dongpeng ZhouYirong WangJie ZhangYing CaoLin LiuKun LinMenggang LiKechang Xie. Footprint family of China's coal-based synthetic natural gas industry. Energy, 2024, 312, 133560.
  3. Jingcheng Li, Menggang Li, Linan Gao, Junjie Li*. Empowering more balanced energy futures: The role of the digital economy in alleviating China's energy trilemma at the city-level. Energy, 2024, 303, 131938.
  4. Junjie Li, Lin Peng*, Yulong Yan*, Yirong Wang, Jie Zhang, Menggang Li, Kechang Xie. Technological progress and coupling renewables enable substantial environmental and economic benefits from coal-to-olefins. Journal of Environmental Management, 2024, 353, 120225.
  5. Junjie Li*, Yulong Yan*, Yirong Wang, Yifu Zhang, Lianwei Shao, Menggang Li. Spatial-successive transfer of virtual scarcity water along China's coal-based electric chain. Energy, 2024, 288, 129678.
  6. Junjie Li*, Yulong Yan, Yirong Wang, Jia Wang, Zimeng Cao, Kexin Hu, Menggang Li, Xi Lu*. Multifactor configurations of coal power technology in China substantially differ in life-cycle environmental impacts. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 907, 168132.
  7. Junjie Li*. Spatialized carbon-energy-water footprint of emerging coal chemical industry in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2024, 189, 113919.
  8. Junjie Li, Yajun Tian*, Kechang Xie. Coupling big data and life cycle assessment: A review, recommendations, and prospects. Ecological Indicators, 2023, 153, 110455.
  9. Yulong Yan#, Junjie Li#*, Xi Lu*, Yirong Wang, Menggang Li. Identifying an over tenfold variation in carbon intensities of coal mines in China by multi-scale multi-benchmark accounting. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 384, 135621.
  10. Yulong Yan#, Junjie Li#*, Xiaolin Duan, Dong Yang. Life cycle assessment of emerging coal conversion technologies in China: An industrial-scale comparison. Energy Conversion and Management, 2022, 271, 116293.
  11. Junjie Li, Yueling Zhang, Yanli Yang, Xiaomei Zhang, Yonghong Zheng, Qi Qian, Yajun Tian*, Kechang Xie. Comparative resource-environment-economy assessment of coal- and oil-based aromatics production. Resources Policy, 2022, 77, 102629.
  12. Junjie Li, Yueling Zhang, Yanli Yang, Xiaomei Zhang, Nana Wang, Yonghong Zheng, Yajun Tian*, Kechang Xie. Life cycle assessment and techno-economic analysis of ethanol production via coal and its competitors: A comparative study. Applied Energy, 2022, 312, 118791.
  13. Junjie Li, Yajun Tian*, Yueling Zhang, Kechang Xie. Assessing spatially multistage carbon transfer in the life cycle of energy with a novel multi-flow and multi-node model: A case of China's coal-to-electricity chain. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 339, 130699.
  14. Yueling Zhang, Huan Liu, Junjie Li*, Yelin Deng*, Xiaopeng Miao, Deping Xu, Shuqin Liu, Kechang Xie, Yajun Tian*. Life cycle assessment of ammonia synthesis in China. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2022, 27, 50–61.
  15. Yueling Zhang, Junjie Li*, Xiaoxiao Yang. Comprehensive competitiveness assessment of four coal-to-liquid routes and conventional oil refining route in China. Energy, 2021, 235, 121442.
  16. Junjie Li, Yajun Tian*, Yueling Zhang, Kechang Xie. Spatializing environmental footprint by integrating geographic information system into life cycle assessment: A review and practice recommendations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 323, 129113.
  17. Junjie Li, Yueling Zhang, Yelin Deng, Deping Xu, Yajun Tian*, Kechang Xie. Water consumption and conservation assessment of the coal power industry in China. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2021, 47, 101464.
  18. Junjie Li, Yajun Tian*, Yelin Deng*, Yueling Zhang, Kechang Xie. Improving the estimation of greenhouse gas emissions from the Chinese coal-to-electricity chain by a bottom-up approach. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2021, 167, 105237.
  19. Yueling Zhang, Junjie Li*, Yajun Tian*, Yelin Deng, Kechang Xie. Virtual water flow associated with interprovincial coal transfer in China: Impacts and suggestions for mitigation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 289, 125800.
  20. Junjie Li*, Mei Liang, Wanjing Cheng, Shuhao Wang. Life cycle cost of conventional, battery electric, and fuel cell electric vehicles considering traffic and environmental policies in China. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46(14), 9553–9566.
  21. Junjie Li*, Wanjing Cheng. Comparison of life-cycle energy consumption, carbon emissions and economic costs of coal to ethanol and bioethanol. Applied Energy, 2020, 277, 115574.
  22. Junjie Li*, Wanjing Cheng. Comparative life cycle energy consumption, carbon emissions and economic costs of hydrogen production from coke oven gas and coal gasification. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45(51), 27979–27993.
  23. Junjie Li*, Yonggang Wang*, Deping Xu, Kechang Xie. High-resolution analysis of life-cycle carbon emissions from China's coal-fired power industry: A provincial perspective. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2020, 100, 103110.
  24. Junjie Li, Yajun Tian*, Xiaohui Yan, Jingdong Yang, Yonggang Wang, Wenqiang Xu, Kechang Xie. Approach and potential of replacing oil and natural gas with coal in China. Frontiers in Energy, 2020, 14, 419–431.
  25. 李俊杰, 程婉静, 梁媚, 严晓辉, 杨靖东, 张岳玲, 冯连勇, 田亚峻, 谢克昌. 基于熵权-层次分析法的中国现代煤化工行业可持续发展综合评价. 化工进展, 2020, 39(4), 1329–1338.
  26. Junjie Li#, Yueling Zhang#, Yajun Tian*, Wanjing Cheng, Jingdong Yang, Deping Xu, Yonggang Wang, Kechang Xie, Anthony Y. Ku. Reduction of carbon emissions from China's coal-fired power industry: Insights from the province-level data. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 242, 118518.


  1. Yulong Yan#*, Yueyuan Niu#, Xiaolin Duan, Ke Yue, Jiaqi Dong, Chao Yang, Dongmei Hu, Yuhang Wang, Junjie Li, Lin Peng*. Insight into carbonyl source based on improved source apportionment method: Alkene regulate secondary formation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2025, 489, 137649.
  2. Chenkai Luo, Ya Zhou*, Zhitong Chen, Xinchao Bian, Ning Chen, Junjie Li, Yufeng Wu, Zhifeng Yang. Comparative life cycle assessment of PBAT from fossil-based and second-generation generation bio-based feedstocks. Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 954, 176421.
  3. Yueyuan Niu, Yulong Yan*, Jiaqi Dong, Ke Yue, Xiaolin Duan, Dongmei Hu, Junjie Li, Lin Peng*. Evidence for sustainably reducing secondary pollutants in a typical industrial city in China Co-benefit from controlling sources with high reduction potential beyond industrial process. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 478, 135556.
  4. 周东朋, 王梦玉, 李俊杰, 李青云, 李久义. 工业园区碳排放多因素分解及其与经济发展的脱钩关系. 应用化工, 2024, 53(01), 146-149+155.
  5. 朱广岩, 田亚峻, 李俊杰, 谢克昌. 硬木类生物质直燃发电厂环境足迹研究. 动力工程学报, 2023, 43(08), 1060-1067.
  6. 卜庆佳, 张媛媛, 李俊杰, 杨潇潇, 许德平, 田亚峻. 天然气/煤制乙二醇路线碳排放与经济分析. 现代化工, 2022, 42(8), 209-214.
  7. 严晓辉, 袁明, 李井峰, 王立志, 李俊杰, 张翠清, 田亚峻, 赵鹏飞. 基于层次分析法的现代煤化工综合利用效能评估方法研究与建议. 中国煤炭, 2022, 48(07), 137-143.
  8. 李泉鑫, 李俊杰, 龚先政, 田亚峻. 两条不同技术路线的煤制聚丙烯生命周期评价. 煤炭转化, 2022, 45(4), 1-9.
  9. 程婉静, 莫东序, 李俊杰, 田亚峻. 生育政策调整是否会影响我国“碳达峰”目标的实现—基于 STIRPAT 和 Leslie 模型的实证研究. 生态经济, 2022, 28(3), 22-29.
  10. 杨潇潇, 张媛媛, 李俊杰, 卜庆佳, 许德平, 田亚峻. 两条煤制油路线与石油路线的技术环境和经济分析. 煤炭转化, 2022, 45(1), 1-10.
  11. Yueling Zhang, Junjie Li, Huan Liu, Guangling Zhao*, Yajun Tian*, Kechang Xie. Environmental, social, and economic assessment of energy utilization of crop residue in China. Frontiers in Energy, 2021, 15, 308–319.
  12. 程婉静, 莫东序, 李俊杰, 王树昊. 中国新能源行业高质量发展内涵解析及综合评价指标体系构建. 能源科技, 2020, 18(8), 69-77.
  13. 程婉静, 李俊杰, 刘欢, 田亚峻. 两种技术路线的煤制氢产业链生命周期成本分析. 煤炭经济研究, 2020, 40(3), 8-15.
  14. 程婉静, 田亚峻, 闫勇, 李俊杰, 杨靖东, 徐政, 武娟妮, 谢克昌. 多目标约束下中国煤化工产业区位指数构建与分析. 国际石油经济, 2018, 26(10), 84-92.


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